Thursday, June 14, 2012

Design Project: Resources/ Webliography

The Periodic Table of Videos. 6/12/2012.  This website is both interactive and has a video on every element.  In which it describes how that specific element relates to those surrounding it creating the trends we see.

Dartmouth College Periodic Puzzle. Dartmouth College Periodic Puzzle. 6/12/2012.  This interactive table displays trends through colors. It is also a puzzle so that you have to put the periodic table back together.

You Tube. 6/12/2012. This video is a fun way to introduce the periodic table in general before staring to talk about the specifics.  Plus it's a little funny.

You Tube. 6/12/2012.  This is a wonderful informational video specifically on ionization energy.  It explains the concept in a way that is easy to follow.

A Brief History of the Developement of the Periodic Table. 6/12/2012.  This was the resource used for the history of the periodic table.

Harris, J and Hofer, M. (2009) Instructional Planning Activity Types as Vehicles for  Curriculum-Based TPACK Development.  This paper was used to analyze the learning experience based on the technology, content, and pedagogical implications.
You Tube. 6/12/2012.  This video explains the rest of the periodic trends: electronegativity and atomic radius. 
Zhao, Yong.; Pugh, Kevin.; Sheldon, Stephen. “Conditions for classroom technology innovations.” Teachers College Record, v. 104 issue 3, 2002, p. 482-515.

Periodic Table Trends. 6/12/2012.  This is a great website for displaying IE, Electronegativity, and AR trends through graphs.

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